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iOS SDK Integration

Google Admob integration

We are using a Google Adserver and for that reason the integration of their SDK is a must. If you already have it integrated in your project, just skip this step.


  1. Download the example from GoogleServices-Info.plist.

  2. Modify the BUNDLE_ID property with the bundle or your app and delete the two Admob test keys.

  3. Save the file with the same name and in the same path where your project is located.

  4. Create a file with name Podfile in the same directory where the .xcworkspace file is (usually in the root of your project) with the following lines:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/AdMob'
  1. And finally, from the terminal console, access the directory where the Podfile is and execute the instruction: pod install.
pod install

Note: If you need more details about how to integrate it, you can check this link : https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/ios/quick-start


  1. Download the SDK from this link: Google Ads.

  2. Drag the framework asa you did it previously with Tappx framework.

  3. In the next screen you need to set the options as in this image: